Monday, February 18, 2008


Happy Holiday again. Today is Justin and Jasons' birthday. They are 35 today. Doesn't seem possible. I'm enjoying my holiday here at work, oh well it is holiday pay. I'm having trouble changing this top of this space but it will have to remain that way til Wed. when I have time to fix it. Everyone have a great day.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!! Really tomorrow but I thought I would get it on today. One of these days some of you will read it. I sent all the kids packages for Valentines I hope they all got them. My eyes are doing great. I saw the doctor today and he says my vision is perfect but I may still need reading glasses, no surprise. So all in all everything turned out great. The days are getting warmer, yeah!!!!! Steve went to the dentist today because he has had a bad toothache for 3 days , now he has to have a root canal and had to have a wisdom tooth pulled. Now any of you write back, let us know about you. HAPPY LOVE DAY

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Eyes and Birthdays

Hi everyone. Hope you are having a great day. I just finished a long stretch of work. Four days in a row and on the last day I went over and did a night shift to help peds out, so 5 shifts in 4 days. Crazy, huh? I then had another eye surgery on Tuesday, the right one this time. I had a plan when I worked that night I could sleep through the surgery and I did. I Was very calm this time. Now I have both cataracts gone and I am doing fantastic, I can see clearly now no fuzz and I can see clear crisp lines and colors and where my car is. I don't know who reads this but Happy Birthday to Courtney on the 1st, and Colton on the 5th, Hope you had a great day. Love You all..........Oh by the way we have had snow, just like I like it. Just enough to show and look pretty, but not enough to hate driving................Also Craig and Bobbi I need a picture......